长江科学院院报 ›› 2010, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (3): 25-28.

• 工程安全与灾害防治 • 上一篇    下一篇


 何金平, 施玉群, 吴云芳   

  • 出版日期:2010-03-01 发布日期:2010-03-01

Abnormal Behavior Analyses of Foundation Uplift of Huaan Sluice

 HE  Jin-Ping, SHI  Yu-Qun, WU  Yun-Fang   

  • Published:2010-03-01 Online:2010-03-01

摘要: 闸基扬压力性态是反映闸坝安全与否的重要指标。通过定性和定量分析,研究了华安闸坝部分老测压孔和部分新测压孔水位异常的成因,分析了判断扬压力测值“伪异常”的方法。研究表明, P7 老测压孔水位异常在于该测压孔被淤堵, P8,P9 老测压孔水位异常在于测压孔所在部位防渗帷幕效果被削弱,或坝体上游面与 P8,P9 老测压孔之间存在渗流通道; P1,P7,P8,P9 新测压孔水位异常在于测压孔施工质量欠佳。华安闸坝闸基扬压力测压孔水位异常现象不仅反映了因环境变化、结构变异、防渗措施等因素引起的孔内水位异常,而且反映了因施工质量原因造成的孔内水位异常。

Abstract: The foundation uplift behavior of sluice is an important index reflecting safety of a sluice. By analysis of quality and quantity, the abnormal reasons are studied of partial old and new piezometric holes located in the Huaan Sluice, the method to judge false abnormality phenomena is analyzed. The research result indicates that abnormal water levels are due to the following conditions: the P7 old piezometric hole was silted up, the impervious curtain in front of P8 and P9 old piezometric holes was weakened or there are some seepage channels between upstream face of sluice and these holes, and construction quality of P1,P7,P8,P9 new piezometric holes was not good enough. These abnormal water levels of piezometric holes not only reflect the environmental, structural and seepage control variation, but also mirror the construction quality