长江科学院院报 ›› 2010, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (1): 73-79.

• 空间信息技术应用专辑 • 上一篇    下一篇


 胡承芳, 狄黎平, 杨文立   

  • 出版日期:2010-01-01 发布日期:2010-01-01

Research on Interoperability in Spatial Catalogue Servicea between CS/W and THREDDS

 HU  Cheng-Fang, DI  Li-Ping, YANG  Wen-Li   

  • Published:2010-01-01 Online:2010-01-01

摘要: 随着地理信息技术的日益发展,地理信息机构、组织及社群之间的信息共享与互操作变得越来越重要。在过去几年中,地球空间信息研究一直存在着跨协议、跨机构的数据共享障碍。其中一个障碍存在两个研究领域之间:地理空间信息领域和地球空间信息领域。两个领域都存在信息共享的需求,其中一个重要的研究方向是解决空间目录服务层次的共享与互操作,即两个领域的代表服务OGC CS/W 和 THREDDS之间的互操作研究。首先对比了两套空间目录服务的信息模型构架,其后重点研究两者异构信息模型之间的转换方法,随后重点针对OGC中的ISO profile与THREDDS之间的目录schema差异,进行分析探讨,在此研究基础之上,研究了两者元数据的元素映射关系,语义异构及符号异构的转换方法。最后讨论了不同的CS/W服务器端和客户端互相便利通讯的方法。

Abstract: The interoperablility and information sharing of GIS(geographic information system) information by means of organization and communities have become more important due to the growing demands of GIS information research and application. In the past several years, interoperability gaps have generated an obstruction of crossa2protocol and crossa2community data access within the Earth science community. One such gap is between two protocol families developed within the geospatial and Earth science communities. Although it is need to use data from both geoscience community and OGC(open geospatial consortium) community, there is no interoperability product between OGC CS/W(catalog service for web) and THREDDS(thematic realtime environmental distributed data services) catalog system. The first problem we face is the information models heterogeneity between these two catalogue systems. This paper will focus on the effort of information model transformation. ISO profile in CS/W and their interoperability with THREDDS catalogue schema are discussed in this paper. After that, it describes the detail strategy during the process of element mapping and illustrates the resolution of the semantic structural heterogeneity and syntax heterogeneity, and it also gives the method to advance the CS/W server flexibility during the connection with many different profile CS/W clients.