长江科学院院报 ›› 2010, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (1): 67-72.

• 空间信息技术应用专辑 • 上一篇    下一篇


 李 喆, 谭德宝, 秦其明, 张 穗   

  • 出版日期:2010-01-01 发布日期:2010-01-01

Perpendicular Drought Index and its Application in Hubei Zhanghe Irrigation System

 LI   Zhe, TAN  De-Bao, QIN  Qi-Ming, ZHANG   Sui   

  • Published:2010-01-01 Online:2010-01-01

摘要: 遥感技术具有覆盖范围广、空间分辨率高、重访周期短、数据获取快捷方便等优点,遥感干旱监测已经成为干旱监测的重要研究方向之一。詹志明(2005)、阿布(2004)等假设裸露土壤的光谱特征满足线性分布,在NIRRed光谱特征空间中提出了垂直干旱指数(PDI),并在我国西北干旱区宁夏固原地区进行了模型验证。为了进一步验证PDI在茂密植被覆盖条件下的可行性,选择长江中下游流域的典型灌区湖北漳河灌区作为研究区域,采用ETM+数据计算PDI,与2~5cm平均土壤水分相比较,结果表明:模型观测值变化曲线和实测土壤水分变化趋势保持一致,2~5cm平均土壤水分相关系数为0.76,与实测干旱指标基本吻合。PDI模型能够有效地反映地表覆盖和水热组合,简单实用,具有通用性和普适性,适宜于复杂下垫面条件下的遥感旱情监测。

Abstract: Remote sensing drought monitoring model is an important research realm in irrigation and water conservation. From a supposition that the spectral characteristic of bare soil meets linear distribution(Zhan,2005; Abuduwasit,2004) in the NIR(Near Infrared)a2Red reflectance spectral in feature space, a simple and effective remote sensing model has been used to monitor drought which was validated in Ningxia Huia2nation Autonomous region and achieved better results. In order to verify feasibility of PDI(perpendicular drought index) under the dense vegetation cover condition, Hubei Zhanghe Irrigation System was selected as the research area. PDI was calculated with ETM + data, and 2-5 cm soil moisture observation result was used in comparison with PDI. Result shows that 2-5 cm ina2situ observation and PDI calculation display basically the same trend and they are consistent with the field measured drought indices. To sum up, PDI can reflect the land cover and watera2heat combination. PDI has many advantages such as simplicity, practicality, easya2toa2useage, versatility and universality. And it is suitable to monitor regional drought under complex underlying surface conditions.