长江科学院院报 ›› 2009, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (11): 85-88.

• 南水北调工程“膨胀土技术”专辑 • 上一篇    



  • 出版日期:2009-11-01 发布日期:2009-11-01

Study on Engineering Geological Properties of Expansive Rock of Middle Route of South to North Water Diversion Project

 ZOU  Zhi-Kui-   

  • Published:2009-11-01 Online:2009-11-01

摘要: 从工程地质的角度对南水北调中线工程总干渠潞王坟试验段膨胀岩工程地质特性开展了分析研究 : 结合潞王坟试验段详细勘察和现场开挖过程的施工地质资料,分析了试验段膨胀岩的成因及宏观分布特征,研究了膨胀岩的矿物化学成分、膨胀性、天然含水量及密度、强度特性等。试验结果显示,泥灰岩一般具有弱膨胀潜势,黏土岩具有弱中等膨胀潜势,其中个别具有强膨胀潜势;膨胀岩在干湿交替、胀缩变形条件下强度降低,岩体吸水后膨胀,在膨胀力的作用下,渠道衬砌将会被破坏。因此,渠道施工时对膨胀岩应采取相应的处理措施。

Abstract: In combination with the excavation process of the construction in Luwangfen test section, the analyses on causes and characteristics of swelling rock such as mineral chemical composition, dilatability, natural moisture content and density, strength and the engineering geological properties of expansive rock of the Middle Route of the South to North Water Diversion Project are performed. The results show that marl generally possesses potential in weak expansion, clay rock has weak-medium expansion behavior, of which particular rock body is strong expansive, and that the strength of the expansive rock will decline under the conditions of dry-wet alteration and expansion-shrinkage deformation. So, the volume of the rock will expanse after it absorbs water, and the canal lining will be damaged by the expansive force. From this study result, corresponding treatment measures should be adopted when the canal will be constructed.