长江科学院院报 ›› 2009, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (10): 109-113.

• 全国水利工程渗流学术会专辑 • 上一篇    下一篇


 丁金华, 任大春   

  • 出版日期:2009-10-01 发布日期:2009-10-01

Influence of Atomized Rain of Shuibuya Hydraulic Power Project on Groundwater Distribution of Dayantang Landslide

 DING  Jin-Hua, REN  Da-Chun   

  • Published:2009-10-01 Online:2009-10-01

摘要: 清江水布垭大岩淌滑坡位于水布垭水电站坝址区后部,正处于溢洪道泄洪时产生的雾化强暴雨中心地带,这种强雾化雨会显著影响滑坡体内的地下水分布,并给滑坡体的稳定带来不良后果。为全面准确地了解大岩淌滑坡体在不同外部入渗条件下的地下水流场分布情况,采用三维饱和非饱和稳定渗流有限元法对滑坡在天然降雨以及高强度雾化降雨条件下的地下水流场分布进行了计算分析,比较了滑体不同防、排渗措施的渗控效果。计算成果显示:滑体在持续的雾雨作用下将处于全部饱和状态,设置防渗排水工程措施能够比较有效地降低滑体内地下水位,即便地表防渗体系存在裂缝等隐患,结合排水洞、孔等措施,也可将滑体内地下水位基本控制在较低范围内。

Abstract: The Dayantang landslide lies at the dam’s back side of Shuibuya Hydraulic Power Project on Qing River, and it is in the center area of strong atomized rain caused by flood discharging of the spillway. For atomized rain influences groundwater distribution of the landslide obviously, the stability of the landslide is unoptimistic. For entire understanding the distribution of underground water flow field inside the landside body under different outside infiltration conditions, the authors simulated groundwater table of the landslide under natural rain and high atomized rain with three-dimensional unsaturation stable seepage finite element method, and mostly compared the seepage control effects of different anti-seepage measures. The calculated results show that the landslide body will be lain in wholly saturated status under the action of the lasting atomized rain. Setting a anti-seepage drain works can effectively decline the underground water level inside the landslide body, and even if cracks occur on the surface of the anti-seepage system, the underground water level inside the landslide body will basically be controlled in a lower water level with a better underground drain system.