长江科学院院报 ›› 2006, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (5): 41-44.

• 水工结构与材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


 汤建宏, 聂孟喜, 梁应辰   

  • 出版日期:2006-10-01 发布日期:2006-10-01

Application of Single- Dimension- Finite- Element Method inThin- walled Structures Dynamic Calculation

 TANG  Jian-Hong, NIE  Meng-Xi, LIANG  Ying-Chen   

  • Published:2006-10-01 Online:2006-10-01

摘要: 针对目前薄壁结构领域存在的建模与计算耗时太大的缺点,将一维有限元的方法引入计算程序的编制,可以大幅度地降低单元与自由度的数目,迅速得到薄壁结构的各项几何参数,从而为后面的弯曲分析、扭转分析、乃至动力学时程响应计算打下基础。数值算例的检验结果表明,这套程序计算所得到的结果与大型有限元软件NASTRAN计算的结果相一致,但耗时却大大缩短,这一特点可以便于结构设计师在结构的初始设计时对抗震动位移迅速作出判断,从而可以大大提高结构设计的效率。

Abstract: In order to deal with the too long time of building model and calculation in the field of thin- walled structures, this article introduces single- dimension- finite- element to programming. So the number of elements and DOF(degree of freedom) is reduced largely, and those geometric parameters of thin- walled structures can be gotten conveniently, which makes it easier for further analyses of bend, torsion, transient response. The numerical example indicates: results gotten by this program are consistent to those gotten by NASTRAN, but time- consume is remarkably shortened, which can be applied to judge dynamic displacements during a initial structure design by designers without FEM(finite element method) software, and increases efficiency greatly. 