长江科学院院报 ›› 2006, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (2): 9-12.

• 江湖泥沙与治理 • 上一篇    下一篇


 刘同宦, 王协康, 郭炜, 刘兴年, 王宪业   

  • 出版日期:2006-04-01 发布日期:2006-04-01

Experimental Study on Bed Morphology at ChannelConfluence
with Tributary Action  

 LIU  Tong-Huan, WANG  Xie-Kang, GUO  Wei, LIU  Xing-Nian, WANG  Xian-Ye   

  • Published:2006-04-01 Online:2006-04-01

摘要: 通过一系列的水槽试验,研究了交汇角为30°时不同水沙条件下干流床面冲淤特性,获得了在支流有无来水、来沙时不同主支汇流比下的干流床面冲淤二维等值线图,初步揭示了干流床面冲淤随主支流量比及支流是否来沙的变化特性。研究成果对了解交汇区的冲淤变化及河床演变具有积极的作用。

Abstract: There are complex interrelationships and internal mechanisms among bed form, sediment transport and flow structure in natural river , in particular in confluent river. The experiments were conducted in flume including different cases, e.g., without branch flow, branch flow with clear - water, branch flow with both water and sediment. The stable bed morphology in every case was measured and analyzed with different discharge ratios q* of the branch channel flow Qb to combined tail - water flow Qt. The characteristics of variation of bed morphology of main channel under above - mentioned cases were revealed. 