长江科学院院报 ›› 2006, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (2): 50-52.

• 水工结构与材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


 杨世浩, 郑明燕, 瞿伟廉   

  • 出版日期:2006-04-01 发布日期:2006-04-01

Semi - active Control for Structural Vibration of Radial Gate

 YANG  Shi-Hao, ZHENG  Ming-Yan, QU  Wei-Lian   

  • Published:2006-04-01 Online:2006-04-01

摘要: 水力学边界条件优化和结构优化是降低水工弧形闸门流激振动的重要措施,但这些措施对流激振动的削弱仍然有限,且不能应用于已建成闸门的减振。采用结构控制的方法是解决流激振动问题的进一步措施,且对已建成闸门的减振有重要意义。针对某大型水利枢纽导流底孔弧形闸门,在闸门上布置若干MR阻尼器,采用半主动控制来减小振动。计算结果表明采用半主动控制能有效地抑制弧形闸门流激振动反应。

Abstract: Improving hydraulic boundary condition and optimizing structure of hydraulic radial gate are very important measures to suppress the flow - induced vibration of hydraulic radial gate, but these measures, which can be taken only before construction, are not enough for the reduction of vibration. Employing structural control method is a further way to solve the problem. This measure is significant for vibration - absorbing of already existing radial gates. Semi - active control method was proposed to reduce the vibration of certain radial gate installed with magnetorheological (MR) dampers in some key large hydraulic project. The computed results show that MR dampers can diminish flow - induce d vibration of the radial gate effectively under this measure.