长江科学院院报 ›› 2006, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (1): 31-34.

• 岩土工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


 刘正, 介玉新, 杨光华, 李广信   

  • 出版日期:2006-02-01 发布日期:2006-02-01

Multi-potential Surface Model Based on Stress and Its Improvement of Determination of Parameters

 LIU  Zheng, JIE  Yu-Xin, YANG  Guang-Hua, LI  Guang-Xin   

  • Published:2006-02-01 Online:2006-02-01

摘要: 多重势面弹塑性本构模型避开了屈服面的概念,本质上是一种数学本构模型。推导了基于应力空间的多重势面模型的柔度矩阵,提出了用沈珠江抛物线假设改进多重势面模型参数的求取方法以反映砂土等的剪胀性,并通过有限元计算与邓肯-张E-μ模型进行了比较和分析。所提出的参数求取方法可以使多重势面模型较好地反映剪胀性土的体变规律,计算分析成果有助于进一步研究和应用多重势面模型。

Abstract: The model based on multi-potential surface theory was created directly by mathematical methods, and it avoided plastic potential functions or yield functions. The compliance matrix of multi- potential surface model in stress space was put forward. The multi-potential surface model improved using Shen Zhujiangsparabola to describe soil dilation was also discussed and verified. The comparis on was made between multi- potential surface model and Duncan-Changs E-μmodel by FEM. The calculation and analysis concerned in this paper may be beneficial for the further study and application of the multi-potential surface model.