长江科学院院报 ›› 2005, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (4): 8-11.

• 江湖泥沙与治理 • 上一篇    下一篇


 姚仕明, 卢金友, 徐海涛   

  • 出版日期:2005-08-01 发布日期:2005-08-01

Study of Vertical Velocity Distribution atHuanglingmiao Hydrologic Section

 YAO  Shi-Ming, LU  Jin-You, XU  Hai-Tao   

  • Published:2005-08-01 Online:2005-08-01

摘要:  为进一步利用天然河流实测资料检验垂线流速分布的指数与对数规律,采用多普勒剖面流速仪在黄陵庙水文断面中实测的不同垂线与不同流量情况下的瞬时流速资料,计算了时均流速的垂线分布,并与指数和对数流速分布公式计算的结果进行了比较分析。结果表明,黄陵庙水文断面不同垂线水流的时均流速分布符合对数与指数分布规律。然而,在不同水流与边界条件下,其指数公式中的指数大小与对数公式中的有关参数有所不同。通过对黄陵庙水文断面垂线流速分布特性的研究,丰富了对天然河流垂线流速分布规律的认识。

Abstract: To further verify exponential and logarithmic velocity formulas by using observed data of natural river, the measured time averge velocity data observed by ADCP were calculated on the vertical lines at the Huanglingmiao hydrologic section, and compared with the results obtained from exponential and logarithmic velocity formulas. The results indicated that different vertical time - averaged velocity distributions accord with the laws of exponential and logarithmic velocity formulas. However, under the different conditions of flow and boundary, exponent values in the exponential formula and related parameters in the logarithmic formula are different. The study of vertical velocity distribution at the Huanglingmiao hydrologic section deepens the recognition of vertical velocity distribution in natural river.