长江科学院院报 ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 125-130.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20220423

• 岩土工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


李永焕1, 刘志贺2,3, 饶勤波4, 过锦5,6, 胡海波5,6, 刘秋媛7, 杨萤8   

  1. 1.台州市市政公用工程质量安全事务中心,浙江 台州 318000;
    2.中车建设工程有限公司,北京 100078;
    3.江苏中车城市发展有限公司,江苏 苏州 214105;
    4.绿城乐居建设管理集团有限公司,杭州 310012;
    5.浙江大学 滨海和城市岩土工程研究中心,杭州 310058;
    6.浙江省城市地下空间开发工程技术研究中心,杭州 310058;
    7.中天建设集团有限公司,杭州 310016;
    8.浙江大地勘测设计有限公司,杭州 310030
  • 收稿日期:2022-04-20 修回日期:2022-08-25 出版日期:2023-05-01 发布日期:2023-05-01
  • 作者简介:李永焕(1976-),男,浙江台州人,工程师,主要从事市政工程相关领域的质量安全监管工作。E-mail: 1125598496@qq.com

Horizontal Displacement of Adjacent Pipeline Induced by Excavation in Consideration of Spatial Effect

LI Yong-huan1, LIU Zhi-he2,3, RAO Qin-bo4, GUO Jin5,6, HU Hai-bo5,6, LIU Qiu-yuan7, YANG Ying8   

  1. 1. Taizhou Municipal Public Works Quality and Safety Affairs Center,Taizhou 318000, China;
    2. G1 CRRC Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., Beijing 100078, China;
    3. Jiangsu CRRC Urban Development Co., Ltd., Suzhou 214105, China;
    4. Greentown Leju Construction Management Group Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310012, China;
    5. Research Center of Coastal and Urban Geotechnical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China;
    6. Engineering Research Center of Urban Underground Development of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310058, China;
    7. Zhongtian Construction Group Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310016,China;
    8. Zhejiang Dadi Geological Survey and Desigh Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310030,China
  • Received:2022-04-20 Revised:2022-08-25 Published:2023-05-01 Online:2023-05-01

摘要: 基坑开挖诱发的周边土体位移将会对邻近管线产生不利影响。考虑基坑开挖的空间效应及管线的空间分布,将邻近管线视为Pasternak地基上的Euler-Bernoulli梁,采用三维影像源法提出了预测基坑开挖引起邻近管线附加水平变形的解析方法,并利用已有案例验证了该方法的合理性。结果表明:①管线总的水平变形主要由邻近并平行于管线的围护墙变形诱发产生,两侧的围护墙变形对开挖范围外的管线水平变形有较大影响。②针对管线的不同空间分布,通过定义的管线水平变形安全系数可预测基坑开挖对管线水平变形的不利程度,同时通过安全系数等值线得到了基坑开挖对管线水平变形的影响区域。③当管线与围护墙距离在0.75H(H为基坑开挖深度)内时,安全系数随着管线埋深的增加先减小后增大,且当管线埋深约为1.0H时管线的安全系数最小;当管线与围护墙距离超过0.75H时,安全系数随管线埋深增加而增大。

关键词: 基坑开挖, 空间效应, 邻近管线, 影像源法, 安全系数等值线

Abstract: Excavation of foundation pits can cause adverse effects on adjacent pipelines due to the displacement of the surrounding soil. An analytical method for predicting the additional horizontal deformation of adjacent pipelines caused by excavation is proposed using a three-dimensional image source method. Nearby pipelines are treated as Euler-Bernoulli beams on a Pasternak foundation in consideration of the spatial effect of excavation and the spatial distribution of pipelines. The validity of the proposed method is demonstrated through existing cases. Results indicate that the total horizontal deformation of pipelines is primarily induced by the deformation of retaining walls that are adjacent and parallel to the pipelines. The deformation of retaining walls on both sides also significantly impacts the horizontal deformation of pipelines outside the excavation area. The adverse effects of excavation on pipeline's horizontal deformation can be predicted through defining a safety factor and considering different spatial distributions of pipeline. The influence zone of excavation on pipeline deformation can be obtained through plotting contours of the safety factor. When the distance between the pipeline and the retaining wall is within 0.75H (where H is the depth of foundation pit excavation), the safety factor first decreases and then increases with the increase of pipeline's burial depth. The safety factor reaches its minimum when the pipeline is buried at a depth of approximately 1.0H. When the distance between the pipeline and the retaining wall exceeds 0.75H, the safety factor increases with the increase of pipeline's burial depth.

Key words: excavation, spatial effect, adjacent pipeline, virtual image method, contours of safety factor
