长江科学院院报 ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 150-154.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20200838

• 仪器设备与测试技术 • 上一篇    


周芳芳1,2,3, 毛索颖1,2,3, 黄跃文1,2,3, 胡蕾1,2,3   

  1. 1.长江科学院 工程安全与灾害防治研究所,武汉 430010;
    2.长江科学院 水利部水工程安全与病害防治工程技术研究中心,武汉 430010;
    3.长江科学院 国家大坝安全工程技术研究中心,武汉 430010
  • 收稿日期:2020-09-07 修回日期:2020-10-22 出版日期:2021-04-01 发布日期:2021-04-01
  • 作者简介:周芳芳(1988-),女,湖南邵东人,工程师,硕士,主要研究方向为水利自动化监测技术。E-mail:zhouff5@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Design and Implementation of Wire Alignment Transducer Based on Linear Array CCD and CAN Field-bus Communication

ZHOU Fang-fang1,2,3, MAO Suo-ying1,2,3, HUANG Yue-wen1,2,3, HU Lei1,2,3   

  1. 1. Engineering Safety and Disaster Prevention Department, Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute,Wuhan430010, China;
    2. Technological Research Center on Water Engineering Safety and Disaster Prevention of theMinistry of Water Resources, Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China;
    3. NationalResearch Center on Dam Safety Engineering Technology, Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute,Wuhan 430010, China
  • Received:2020-09-07 Revised:2020-10-22 Published:2021-04-01 Online:2021-04-01

摘要: 引张线仪主要应用于大坝等水工建筑物水平位移的长期观测,目前大部分引张线仪都采用RS485的通信方式,将多个引张线仪通过RS485的方式连接,容易出现通信不稳定、易出错等情况,且现场需要通过笔记本电脑连接串口调试助手,按照引张线仪的通信协议编写通信指令才能读取采集数据,这对现场的安装及调试造成了较大不便。本研究研制的引张线仪采用微处理器及线阵CCD传感器,具有采集精度高、无电学漂移的特性;运用蓝牙通信与智能手机APP,解决了现场参数配置、采集数据实时读取不便利的问题;运用CAN总线通信组网的方式,解决了传统通信方式不稳定的问题;采用防潮外壳及驱潮措施,适应水电站等潮湿环境下长期连续工作。研制的引张线仪解决了传统引张线仪的诸多缺点,构建的自动化采集系统为大坝等工程的安全运行提供了保障。

关键词: 引张线仪, 线阵CCD, CAN总线, 蓝牙通信, 水平位移监测

Abstract: Wire alignment transducer is mainly used for long-term horizontal displacement monitoring of hydraulic structures such as dams. At present, most of the wire alignment transducers adopt RS485 communication mode, which is unstable and error-prone. Field workers need to connect laptops and write communication instructions to collect instrument data, inconvenient to field installation and commissioning. The wire alignment transducer developed in this research adopts microprocessor and linear array CCD, hence is of high acquisition precision and no electrical drift. Bluetooth communication and mobile APP are used to solve the problems of field parameter configuration and real-time data collection. Moreover, CAN field-bus is used to ensure the reliability of network transmission. Moisture-proof shell and moisture removing measures guarantee the long-term continuous work in humid environment such as hydropower station.The developed wire alignment transducer overcomes many shortcomings of traditional transducer, and the established automatic acquisition system can provide technical support for the safe operation of dams and other projects.

Key words: wire alignment transducer, linear array CCD, CAN field-bus, bluetooth communication, horizontal displacement monitoring
