长江科学院院报 ›› 2016, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (4): 11-15.DOI: 10.11988/ckyyb.20141075

• 水资源与环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


何 忠1,2a,2b,王志良1,杨绍贵2a,2b,孙 成2a,2b   

  1. 1.江苏省环境科学研究院 江苏省环境工程重点实验室,南京 210036;
    2.南京大学 a.环境学院; b.污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室,南京 210093
  • 收稿日期:2014-12-30 出版日期:2016-04-01 发布日期:2016-04-01
  • 作者简介:何 忠(1982-),男,湖北恩施人,工程师,主要从事水处理方面的工作,(电话) 025-86656583(电子信箱)hezms@163.com。
       通讯作者:孙 成(1955-),男,江苏盐城人,教授,博士生导师,主要研究微量与痕量有机污染物分析、微污染水体净化技术,(电话)025-89680258(电子信箱)envidean@nju.edu.cn。
  • 基金资助:

Advanced Treatment of Drinking Water with NF and RO Technology

HE Zhong1,2,3, WANG Zhi-liang1, YANG Shao-gui2,3, SUN Cheng2,3   

  1. 1.Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Environmental Engineering, Jiangsu Provincial Academy of EnvironmentalScience, Nanjing 210036, China;
    2. School of Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China;State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
  • Received:2014-12-30 Published:2016-04-01 Online:2016-04-01

摘要: 利用纳滤和反渗透膜深度处理工艺进行长江原水水质净化中试研究,工艺流程为长江原水→混凝沉淀→沙滤→颗粒活性炭→纳滤/反渗透,比较纳滤、反渗透膜工艺对污染物特别是微量有机物苯系物、三氯乙烯及消毒副产物等的去除效果。结果表明膜工艺预处理能够有效地去除原水的浊度和部分污染物,有利于纳滤、反渗透的稳定运行。纳滤膜工艺的最佳操作压力是0.4 MPa,此压力下产水量为250 L/h,回收率为24%,SO42-,Cl-,NO3-和总硬度的去除率分别为91.7%,85.4%,85.2%,89.3%;采用浓缩水回流能兼顾较高的回收率和良好的去除率。2种膜工艺对苯系物与三氯乙烯的去除率均在95.7%以上;对消毒副产物也有较好的控制效果,其中大部分的削减率在63.7%以上。与反渗透膜工艺比较,纳滤膜工艺具有较低的生产成本。纳滤膜工艺净化出水中可部分保留对人体有益的矿物质,使得净化后的出水成为优质健康饮用水。

关键词: 饮用水, 纳滤膜工艺, 反渗透膜工艺, 水质净化深度处理, 去除率

Abstract: After having been pretreated in turn with coagulation-sedimentation, sand filter and granular activated carbon (GAC), the water of Yangtse River was treated with nanofiltration(NF) and reverse osmosis(RO), respectively. The results indicate that the pretreatments are very important for later treatment reliability since they can remove most turbidity and some pollutants. Under the optimum pressure 0.4 MPa of NF which has been determined in pilot study, the water production quantity and the recovery rate are 250 L/h and 24%, respectively, the removal ratio of SO42-, Cl-, NO3- and total hardness is 91.7%, 85.4%, 85.2% and 89.3%, respectively. Concentrated water reflux can achieve both high recovery rate and removal rate. Additionally, both RO and NF can remove 95.7% of organic contaminants (benzene, trichloroethylene, ethylbenzene, m-xylene, chlorobenzene, nitrobenzene) and also can greatly control disinfection by-products (DBPs) with most elimination rate over 63.7%. Compared with RO, the operation cost of NF is low, and the effluent of NF can be used as drinking water as it contains favorable mineral substances.

Key words: drinking water, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, advanced treatment of water quality, removal rate
