长江科学院院报 ›› 2007, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (2): 5-8.

• 江湖泥沙与治理 • 上一篇    下一篇


 廖小永, 王坤   

  • 出版日期:2007-04-01 发布日期:2007-04-01

Study on Application of Fuzzy Statistic Clustering Theoryin Bank-failure

 LIAO  Xiao-Yong, WANG  Kun   

  • Published:2007-04-01 Online:2007-04-01

摘要: 为定量分析岸坡发生崩岸的危险程度,采用模糊统 计聚类理论,建立了以岸坡安全程度为聚类标准的隶属函数,并以石首河段为例对岸坡进行 了聚类判别。聚类结果表明,北门口河段岸坡的安全程度小于其它河段,该河段的频繁崩岸 验证了结果的正确性,同时也说明了模糊统计聚类理论适合于崩岸问题的研究。此外,通过 模型的自动调节作用,可正确划分各类别域值,并对初始聚类不符合的样本调整归入正确类 别,消除人为主观因素造成的不利影响,使分析结果更符合实际。

Abstract:  Fuzzy statistic clustering theory may be applied to establish a subject function taking safety degree of banks as a clustering criterion to classify for quantitative analysis, and Shishou River is taken for an ins tance. The result shows that the safety degree of Beimenkou reach is smaller than that of others,which is verified by its frequent bank-fail ures,meanwhile that fuzzy statistic clustering theory can be applied for the stu dy on bank-failures.In addition,the domain for every class can be decided correctly by the models self-regulating func tion and the samples that were initially classified to unapproprite classes are adjusted to appropriate classes,which eliminates the adverse effects caused by m an-made subjective factors to make analytic results more objective.