长江科学院院报 ›› 2007, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (1): 57-60.

• 科技简报 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨 勇,梅明荣,王山山,任青文   

  • 出版日期:2007-02-01 发布日期:2007-02-01

Experiment on Early Thermal Performance of Pier-WallSteel-Fiber Concrete Structure

 YANG   Yong, MEI  Ming-Rong, WANG  Shan-Shan, REN  Qing-Wen-   

  • Published:2007-02-01 Online:2007-02-01

摘要: 以往对钢纤维混凝土抗裂性能多从其力学性能方面加以解释,而很少从热性能方面考虑。为此进行了钢纤维混凝土和普通混凝土2个墩墙结构的模型试验,比较了二者的温度及温度变形的特性。通过实测结构内部温度及其变形,给出了钢纤维混凝土在早期水化热及外界温度影响下的温度及变形规律。根据热传导理论对数据进行分析,得出了钢纤维混凝土有较好导热性以及钢纤维混凝土的早期抗变形能力要强于普通混凝土的结论。上述特性将有助于减小混凝土内部温度梯度,对于防止水工混凝土结构表面裂缝起到良好的作用。同时,还对试验研究中出现的问题以及进一步的研究思路进行了探讨。

Abstract: In the past study on steel-fiber concrete's (SFRC's) crack resisting capability, its mechanical performance was always considered to be more than its heating property. In this paper, the pier-wall models respectively built with steel-fiber concrete and ordinary concrete were tested for revealing their early bebaviors of thermal strain and thermal stress caused by adiabatic heating. By means of analyzing the measured data of deformation and temperature inside the structure, the laws of deformation and temperature of the SFRC structure under the influences of early hydration heat and outside temperature were found. Through applying thermodynamics theory, it is concluded that the heat conductivity of steel-fiber concrete is superior to normal one. This behavior will be helpful to decrease temperature gradient and to lessen surface thermal stress of concrete structure so as to prevent cracking of a structure. Also the problems occurring in the test are discussed.