长江科学院院报 ›› 2012, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (2): 60-63.

• 水工结构与材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


廖灵敏a,b,c,韩  炜a,b,c,汪在芹a,b,c,李  珍a,b,c, 冯  菁a,b,c   

  1. 长江科学院   a.材料与结构研究所;b.国家大坝安全工程技术研究中心;c.水利部 水工程安全与病害防治工程技术研究中心, 武汉  430010
  • 收稿日期:2011-02-14 出版日期:2012-02-01 发布日期:2012-02-01
  • 作者简介:廖灵敏(1985-),女,湖北洪湖人,工程师,博士,从事水工新材料的研发与应用
  • 基金资助:


Determination of Optimal Nanoparticle Size of Pyrophyllite:Theoretical Calculation and Analysis

LIAO Ling-min, HAN Wei, WANG Zai-qin, LI Zhen, FENG Jing   

  1. Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan  430010,China
  • Received:2011-02-14 Published:2012-02-01 Online:2012-02-01

摘要: 为了更充分地了解纳米叶腊石的性质, 开拓纳米叶腊石应用的新领域, 其纳米化研究具有十分重要的意义。基于矿物晶体结构和晶体化学理论,根据叶腊石的晶体结构特征,提出了其最小纳米微粒的假设。在此基础上,通过对不同粒度的叶腊石微粒的晶胞数、原子数、(001)面表面原子数及其比例的理论模拟计算,揭示了它们随微粒粒度的变化规律以及对叶腊石微粒总体性能的影响,并从理论上确定出叶腊石微粒的最佳纳米粒度大约在155 nm左右。

Abstract: With the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology, the study on nano pyrophyllite is of great importance. According to the cell parameters and the atomic arrangement of pyrophyllite, the minimum size of pyrophyllite nanoparticle was supposed. Moreover, the crystal cell number, atomicity, the atomicity on the superficial layer of (001) crystal plane and its proportion for pyrophyllite nanoparticles of different nanosizes are theoretically calculated, and their variations with the nanoparticle size as well as their influence on the overall property of pyrophyllite are analyzed. Based on crystal structure and crystal chemistry theory, the optimum pyrophyllite nanoparticle size was theoretically determined to be about 155 nm.
