长江科学院院报 ›› 2006, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (6): 95-98.

• 科技简报 • 上一篇    下一篇


 黄耀英, 沈振中, 吴中如   

  • 出版日期:2006-12-01 发布日期:2006-12-01

Viscoelastic Analysis Based on MSC.Marcs Development

 HUANG  Yao-Ying, SHEN  Zhen-Zhong, WU  Zhong-Ru-   

  • Published:2006-12-01 Online:2006-12-01

摘要: 初步探讨基于MSC.Marc的粘弹性问题分析,通过MSC.Marc软件开放式程序接口开发了任意个(n≥2)开尔文模型串联的广义开尔文模型,并通过算例说明了开发的子程序的合理性和可行性。现有文献采用应力张量表示的粘性变形有限元计算式隐含假定了球应力与应力偏量产生的粘性变形规律相同,对于复杂的工程材料而言,这种假定并不总是合适的,这在工程问题粘性分析时值得注意。

Abstract: In this paper viscoelastic analysis based on MSC.Marc is discussed. Based on MSC.Marcs opening program interface, the generalized Kelvin model comprised by arbitrary(n≥2) kelvin models in series is developed. The developed subroutine is proved to be reasonable and feasible though an example. The viscoelastic deformation law caused by deviation stress is the same as the bulk stresss viscoelastic deformation law when the viscoelastic deformation FEM formula is expressed by stress tensor in existing documents. This is not always right to the complicated engineering material. So, attention must be paid to analyzing viscoelastic problems.