长江科学院院报 ›› 2006, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (5): 61-64.

• 科技简报 • 上一篇    


 黄俊, 姜弘道, 梅明荣   

  • 出版日期:2006-10-01 发布日期:2006-10-01

Analysis of Fiber Debonding and Pull- out withInterfacial Layer

 HUANG  Jun, JIANG  Hong-Dao, MEI  Ming-Rong   

  • Published:2006-10-01 Online:2006-10-01

摘要: 纤维增强复合材料的损伤破坏过程包含着基体的损伤和界面的损伤,界面的损伤情况可用界面脱粘长度与纤维的拉拔位移的关系来描述。采用有限元方法,将纤维与基体间的界面视为具有一定厚度的薄层,考虑纤维与基体间的复合效应,针对界面层取不同的材料特性参数或不同的厚度,深入探讨了纤维拉拔荷载和纤维最大位移随界面脱粘长度的变化关系。可为进一步研究界面损伤提供理论基础。

Abstract: The damage evolution about the fiber- cement matrix composites is evaluated by considering the damage evolution of the matrix concrete and that of the fiber- matrix interface. The damage evolution of interface is explicated by the relationship of interface debonding and the fiber displacement. Based on the FEM, considering the effect of the interface layer and that of fiber- matrix mixing, the relationship between load and interface crack length and that between load and fiber displacement are obtained when different elastic module and interface layer thicknesses are given. The model is very useful to analyse the damage evolution of composites.