长江科学院院报 ›› 2014, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 130-134.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5485.2014.06.0242014, 31(06):130-134

• 三峡工程运用10年后长江中游江湖演变与治理学术研讨会专栏 • 上一篇    


宋平1, 2, 方春明3, 黎昔春1, 2, 郑颖1, 2   

  1. 1.湖南省水利水电勘测设计研究总院 规划处, 长沙 410007;
    2.湖南省洞庭湖研究中心 防洪研究室, 长沙 410007;
    3.中国水利水电科学研究院 泥沙研究所, 北京 100048
  • 收稿日期:2013-11-18 修回日期:2014-06-06 出版日期:2014-06-01 发布日期:2014-06-01
  • 作者简介:宋 平(1975-), 男, 湖南益阳人, 高级工程师, 主要从事河流泥沙、河道整治、江湖治理等方面的设计与研究, 0731-85607824, sonping@126.com。

Characteristics of Sediment Transport and Deposition Distribution in Dongting Lake

SONG Ping1, 2, FANG Chun-ming3, LI Xi-chun1, 2, ZHENG Ying1, 2   

  1. 1.Planning Department, Hunan Hydro & Power Design Institute, Changsha 410007, China;
    2.Office ofFlood Control Research, Hunan Research Center of Dongting Lake, Changsha 410007, China;
    3.SedimentResearch Department, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100048, China
  • Received:2013-11-18 Revised:2014-06-06 Published:2014-06-01 Online:2014-06-01


洞庭湖泥沙淤积问题影响到长江及洞庭湖防洪、水资源、水生态环境等方面, 在前人对洞庭湖总体淤积研究的基础上, 研究洞庭湖内部各分区泥沙输移及淤积分布规律, 对洞庭湖分区域综合治理方案制定具有实际指导意义。通过对洞庭湖各分区实测水文泥沙资料及地形资料的分析统计, 发现自20世纪50年代以来, 洞庭湖的泥沙淤积呈逐渐减少的趋势;三峡水库运行后, 洞庭湖的年淤积量不足运行前的10%, 而且西洞庭湖萎缩已处于晚期, 泥沙淤积已大大减少, 区域内的淤积不再以湖泊为主, 而是以洪道为主。三峡水库运行后, 东、南洞庭湖在未考虑区间来沙的条件下, 出现汛期淤积、非汛期冲刷现象。

关键词: 洞庭湖, 泥沙输移, 淤积, 时空分布


The sedimentation of Dongting Lake affects the flood control, water resource and water eco-environment of the Yangtze River and the Dongting Lake. On the basis of previous researches on general sedimentation of Dongting Lake, we analyzed the sediment transport and deposition distribution in each region of the Lake. It has practical significance for the comprehensive regional management of Dongting Lake. By analyzing the measured hydrology, sediment and terrain data in different regions of the Lake, we found that sediment deposition of Dongting Lake has been decreasing since 1950s. Annual sedimentation of Dongting Lake is less than 10% of that before the impounding of Three Gorges Reservoir. Regional deposition was not in lakes, but mainly in flood courses. The shrinkage of west Dongting Lake has been in its later stage, of which sediment deposition has greatly reduced. The east and south Dongting Lake were silted during flood season, and scoured in non-flood season without considering the interval sediment conditions.

Key words: Dongting Lake, sediment transport, sediment deposition, temporal and spatial distribution
